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How to Wear Hearing Aids with Glasses: 4 Easy Tips

Jamie Mendiola

Written By:

Jamie Mendiola

Updated: 02 May 2024 •  
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Are you a hearing-aid wearer who also requires glasses?
If you have, you probably know how challenging this pairing can be. While these life-aiding tools can help you tremendously through your daily tasks, wearing both at the same time can take a bit of extra effort to get right.
To help simplify things, we created this guide on how to wear your glasses with hearing aids without either falling off your face.

1. Choose glasses with hearing aids in mind

man wears glasses on top of hearing aids

Choose eyeglasses that match your hearing aids.

We all know how vital glasses can be in our daily lives. However, those who wear glasses with hearing aids simultaneously might face a unique challenge.
How so? When you put your glasses on, there might be a high chance that they will slip off since your hearing aids might get in the way. To help choose a pair that will work better with your hearing aids, consider these factors;

Pay attention to your frame selection

a flatlay of glasses frames

The frames of your eyeglasses matter when pairing them with a hearing device.

Before you choose the frames of your lenses, look at the design of your hearing aids. For instance, some hearing aids have a behind-the-ear design. These call for a pair of glasses that have a thinner temple arm – such as thin wire frames.
Make sure that the frames don’t feel heavy on your face, nor are they too big that they might fall off. Something subtle and classic, like our Occasion glasses, could work well thanks to its thin wire design with a silver touch.

Another popular type of hearing aid is the in-ear model. It’s the one you wear inside your ear canal. Some look bulky, while others are barely noticeable unless you look closely.
Pairing glasses with this in-ear design can be much easier, since they don’t actually come into contact with your glasses. You can take your pick from thinner temple arms or thick and sturdy frames. A funky pair, like our Blueming glasses, will feel like they won’t easily slip off your face.

And lastly, many people opt for hearing aids to match their skin tone. You can do the same with your choice of glasses as well. Our Oscar frames have a nice, transparent look for that natural vibe.


The temples of your glasses help them sit more firmly

woman showing off her eyeglasses temple arm

The temples of your glasses ensure their proper fit to your face. Frame shown: Dalmatian

Another point to consider when shopping for your glasses is its temples, or ‘legs.’ It’s that part of the frames that stick out behind your ear. Therefore, it can bump into your hearing aid.
If you’re wearing a behind-the-ear model, get a pair of glasses with thin temples. Ensure it’s lightweight, too, so it won’t push the hearing aid off.
However, if you’re looking for a practical alternative, some people settle for hearing aid glasses. It’s a specific 2-in-1 model with hearing aids built into the eyeglasses. If you’re curious, consult your physician or local eye care provider about this option.

Watch the nose pads and bridge

woman wears glasses without nose pads

Glasses without nose pads easily fall off your face.

Remember, matching your glasses and hearing aids is about form and function. You don’t want anything clinging to your face to feel so uncomfortable.
So, to get that perfect fit for your eyeglasses, get one with adjustable nose pads. They’re these little knobs that sit on your nose bridge, so your glasses will stay upright on your face.
Nose pads seem small and trivial, but they affect the comfort of your glasses. That’s especially important if you’re wearing hearing aids alongside them.
Without those little knobs, your glasses will slip off more than ever. And, of course, no one wants that. Check out Mouqy’s eyeglasses with nose pads to start, where you can see many customizable options for anything you need.
If you don’t know how glasses can suit your face or with your hearing aids, try out our virtual try-on tool! It’ll help you find your new pair of glasses in no time.

2. Place your hearing aids and glasses properly

man wears glasses compatible with hearing aid

Make sure your hearing aid and glasses are compatible.

Wear your glasses first, then your hearing aids. Use both hands to put them on, so you won’t bend the frames, and ensure it properly fits. Afterward, you can wear your hearing aids.
If you’re wearing a BTE model, it can sit around the temples of your glasses. Ensure its size is manageable so it will stay in place.
If you’re worried about removing your glasses, which might displace the hearing aids, don’t fret. Use both hands and take off your glasses in a forward motion. This little gesture might need a bit of practice, but it’s completely worth it since it won’t move your hearing aids at all.
And, of course, practice wearing your glasses and hearing aids in front of a mirror. This way, you’ll get used to how they feel throughout the day.

3. Keep glasses and hearing aids clean and well-maintained

Prioritize hygiene at all costs and keep everything clean. Not to gross you out, but imagine how much potential bacteria there can be if you don’t clean your specs and hearing aids. So, take note of these hygiene tips.

  • Wash your hands well before using your hearing aids and glasses.

  • Make sure that your ears are clean before putting your hearing aids in.

  • Wipe your glasses and hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth before and after using them.

  • If there’s built-up wax in your hearing aid, scrape it off with a wax pick or wire loop.

  • For deep cleaning or adjustment, consult an ear or eye care professional.


4. Consider some additional accessories

Just because you’re trying to fit two items well doesn’t mean a third component can’t help the process. Accessories can sometimes play a part, depending on your lifestyle and needs.

Retainers and cords

If you’re likely to lose your glasses or always fall off, a retainer or a cord can keep them secure around your neck.

Clips and bands

A clip can attach the specs to your clothing, while a band keeps them around your head. Some bands also have little pockets to stuff your hearing aids in.

Modifications for custom-fitted hearing aids

If your hearing aids keep falling out, customization is the way to go. You can modify them to fit your ear and your specs perfectly.

Wearing glasses with hearing aids shouldn’t be a challenge

Glasses and hearing aids can help you get through the day without problems, but they pose unique challenges. For instance, wearing both might be a hassle if you’re not used to them.
The hearing aid can knock your glasses off. At the same time, your glasses might be too bulky and slip off your face. These are little things that you need to consider before buying them.
So, get rid of that hassle using the helpful tips mentioned above. If you can find the matching pair of specs to your hearing device, everything else will be breezy and comfortable.

Jamie Mendiola
Jamie is a writer and non-profit volunteer advocating for mental health. When not typing up a storm at work, you'll find her binge-watching Netflix or meditating like Yoda.

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